Join us for this inspiring sermon as we explore the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth from the Gospel of Luke, illustrating how God works through the everyday moments of our lives. Discover how our expectations can sometimes blind us to His grace and guidance in ordinary situations. The pastor shares personal experiences and encourages us to remain open to the unexpected ways God may use us to share His love with others. Whether you’re a long-time believer or curious about faith, this message will remind you of the power of obedience and the importance of recognizing God’s work around us. Don’t miss out on this uplifting message—subscribe for more content and be part of our community!

  1. What expectations do you have about how God should work in your life, and how might those expectations limit your perspective?
  2. Think about a time when you felt disappointed because things did not go as planned. How did God show up in that situation?
  3. How can you identify the 'ordinary moments' in your daily life where God might be at work?
  4. What are some specific ways you can be obedient to God in the midst of your daily routines?
  5. What are some specific ways you can be obedient to God in the midst of your daily routines?

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